The Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program
The Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program (FFVP) provides students in 28 participating Seattle Public Schools with a fresh fruit or vegetable snack served during lunch or in the afternoon three days per week. The program served 5,000 students weekly during the 2023-24 School Year and is offered at schools with high rates of students eligible for Free & Reduced-Price meals.
The goals of the program are to:
- Increase students’ access to healthier food choices;
- Expand the variety of fruits and vegetables students experience;
- Increase students’ fruit and vegetable consumption; and
- Increase the amount of local, organically grown produce items served through the program.
How FFVP Works
SPS Culinary Services staff plan a calendar with a diverse array of fresh fruit and vegetable items to be served throughout the school year, including items from local farms. Each week, SPS staff order fresh produce items that are distributed to participating schools. School staff provide the snacks to students in the cafeteria during the lunch period, or as an afternoon snack in classrooms or other easily accessible areas of the school. Produce items are served whole or occasionally prepared into a salad, smoothie, or side dish.
Participating Schools
Aki Kurose Middle School
Bailey Gatzert Elementary School
Broadview-Thomson K-8
Chief Sealth High School
Concord Elementary
Denny International Middle School
Dunlap Elementary School
Emerson Elementary School
Interagency Programs
James Baldwin Elementary
John Muir Elementary
John Rogers Elementary School
Kimball Elementary
Lowell Elementary
Madrona Elementary School
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School
Meany Middle School
Mercer Middle School
Olympic Hills Elementary School
Olympic View Elementary School
Rising Star Elementary School
Roxhill Elementary
Sanislo Elementary
Seattle World School
South Shore K-8 School
Washington Middle School
West Seattle Elementary School
Wing Luke Elementary School