About the Commission
The Seattle Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Commission advises the Mayor, City Council and City departments about issues of concern affecting the LGBTQ community. The Commission recommends policies and legislation, brings together LGBTQ communities with the larger Seattle community through long-range projects, and ensures City departments fairly and equitably address issues affecting and involving Seattle's LGBTQ communities as individuals and as a protected class afforded accessibility and inclusion to the services of the City of Seattle.
Who We Are
The Seattle LGBTQ Commission consists of 21 representative residents of Seattle appointed to serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council, Seattle Office for Civil Rights, and other Seattle City departments. Eight commissioners are appointed by the Mayor and eight appointments are made by the City Council. The Commission appoints 4 members. Commissioners are appointed to a two-year term of office and serve without pay. The 21st member joins the Commission each year through Get Engaged, a leadership development program for 18-29 year olds.