Crown Hill Glen

4 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
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Located in the Crown Hill neighborhood, has many trees and native plants, boulder seating areas, and a winding nature path. It is a quiet spot at the convergence of two street ends, connected by a staircase.

About the Park

By Nancy Gruberof Friends of Crown Hill Glen

Spring is evident everywhere in our small, but welcoming pocket park. Birds chitter in the old cherry trees that are heavy with blossoms and new plant growth is visible all around. Although the nearly 100 trees and shrubs we planted half a dozen years ago have appeared quite happy from the start, this is the year that they really seem to have become an indivisible part of the landscape. The Douglas firs on the hillside that once looked kind of "puny" next to the towering, mature poplars now seem well established and settled. And the mock orange plants, snow berry, and other native plants are thriving.

The staircase connecting the upper site and the two other levels of the park make it a popular walking spot. It is just so nice to have the opportunity to walk through a forested area that lots of folks have made it part of their routine. These visitors are not just the immediate neighbors, but many Crown Hill residents and students from nearby Whitman Middle School. It is really heart warming for those of us who have worked on the park to see it being enjoyed by so many.

If you stop by to take a walk, you won't want to miss the two beautiful columnar rocks which have natural depressions to catch water for the birds. These natural "baths" are especially popular in the hot summer months when we humans help out by keeping them full. With overhanging branches and plenty of foliage to provide cover near by, these "watering holes" - which were added several years ago, now - are popular with all kinds of birds.

In the past month we have been exploring ideas to help combat some erosion on the steep hill on the north side of the park. We have used several methods for erosion control over the years including placing cardboard, burlap and jute below the mulch/soil surface prior to our original planting, and placing fallen trees and heavy branches as natural terraces. We even had some professionally placed, large boulders put in the steepest area. Still, some early signs of erosion are beginning to appear.

We are currently working with the the Parks department to decide what type of natural erosion control to implement. In the meantime, we are just keeping an eye on it and weeding delicately around that area.

Did I say weeding? The answer is a big, loud YES! It does seem that there is always weeding to be done. This sweet little park is always in need of is a few loving hands to help control the many weeds who also happen to love this spot: Dock, bind weed, and stinking bob, to name just a few. We keep these weeds at bay by doing periodic work parties; are you interested in joining us?

We'd love the company and you couldn't ask for a more pleasant place to spend a few hours on a nice day.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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