Westlake Square

6 a.m. - 10 p.m.
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Across the street from the South Lake Union Streetcar's station, this park is part of the downtown "town square." Named for the adjacent street, this small space is a paved street triangle with trees and decorative plantings bounded by Westlake Ave, Steward St, and 6th Ave. It once had a canopy, benches and an underground restroom similar to the one at Pioneer Square.

Downtown parks special events

Center City Parks are full of  arts, concerts, festivals and random acts of urban fun. Our park concierges have information to help you plan your visit and games so that you can play in the park. Learn more about downtown park events on our Downtown and Center City Parks page.

Parks and Recreation

AP Diaz, Superintendent
Mailing Address: 100 Dexter Ave N, Seattle, WA, 98109
Phone: (206) 684-4075
Fax: (206) 615-1813

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