2024 information is displayed. Please check back for details on 2025's camps.
We expect offerings and registration timelines to be similar in 2025 as they were in 2024.
2025 information is now available for Discovery Park and Carkeek Park camps only.
Save the date! 2024 camp registration opens on April 16 at 12 noon.
Activity Camps
Our community centers offer a variety of activity-themed half-day camps for children ages 5-12. Weekly Activity Camps begin the week of June 24th and end by August 30.
Themes include sports, LEGO, theater, recess games, pottery, D&D, science, and much more. Topics, ages, hours, and prices vary by location. For full listings, see pages 11-28 of the camp brochure.
Registration opens April 16, 2024.
Full price half-day camps range from $180 to $366 per week. Financial aid is available!
School Age Care Summer Day Camp
Seattle Parks and Recreation school age childcare camps are administered through the Associated Recreation Council (ARC) and offer all-day care at selected community centers with robust programming, activities, field trips and more!
- 7 am-6 pm, Monday-Friday
- Weekly camps June 25-August 28. Camp themes change weekly!
- Cost is $400/week. 4-day weeks are $325, (6/24 and 7/1), and the 3-day week of 8/26-8/28 is $250.
- Scholarships are available.
View School Age Care camps and register:
- Alki @ Schmitz Park
- Ballard Community Center
- Bitter Lake Community Center @ Broadview-Thomson Elementary School
- Delridge Community Center
- High Point Community Center
- Jefferson Community Center
- Meadowbrook Community Center
- Northgate Community Center
- Queen Anne Community Center
- Rainier Community Center
- Rainier Beach Community Center
- Ravenna-Eckstein @Wedgwood Elementary
- Van Asselt Community Center
- Yesler Community Center
Summer camp registration begins on April 16, 2024. Weekly camps begin June 25, 2024. Full listings on pages 5-9 of the camp brochure.
Financial aid is available for reduced/subsidized cost. Information and applications can be found on our Scholarships & Financial Aid page.
Preschool Camps
Seattle Parks and Recreation, in partnership with Associated Recreation Council, offers preschool summer day camps that meet the developmental needs of children age 3-5, focusing on emotional, social, physical, and cognitive skills to prepare children for success in school and in life. Classrooms are set up with safe and nurturing environments, fun-filled learning areas, consistent schedules and routines, and both large and small group times. Preschool activities include art, blocks, dramatic play, library time, cooking, discovery science, singing, and outdoor play. Preschool summer camps may be offered in weekly sessions for up to 8 weeks at certain locations. New themes each week! Check with your local community center for a detailed description of the various offerings.
2024 Details:
- Ages: 3-5 years.
- Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:30 am-1:00 pm.
- Dates: July 1st to August 23rd, 2024.
- Locations: Jefferson Community Center and Loyal Heights Community Center. Additional preschool programming available at Discovery Park, see Nature Daycamp in the expandable menu.
- Price: $375/week, or $300 for July 1-5 (no camp July 4th). Financial Aid is available!
- Children need to be fully potty-trained (no diapers or pull-ups permitted)
- Please speak with the program director regarding available food options. No refrigeration or microwave/oven will be available.
- Register online via Active Net.
Registration opens April 16, 2024, for weekly camps starting July 1st.
Specialized Programs Summer Camps
Specialized Programs offers Day Camp for ages 4-21, and Overnight Camp for ages 6-21.
Day Camps, ages 4-21
10 am - 2 pm, Monday-Friday.
- 7/1-7/5 - Safari Week, Ravenna Park (no camp 7/4)
- 7/15-7/19 - Mystery Week, Seward Park
- 7/22-7/26 - Dino Adventure Week, Ravenna Park
- 8/12-8/16 - Carnival Week, Seward Park
Cost: $125/week. $100 for week of 7/1. Scholarships are available.
Register for Specialized Day Camps
Overnight Camp at Camp Long, ages 6-21
Drop off Tuesdays at 5 pm, pick up on Fridays at 12 pm.
- 7/9-7/12 - Superhero Week
- 7/30-8/2 - Spirit Week
- 8/6-8/9 - Talent Week
- 8/20-8/23 Under The Sea week
Cost: $150/week. Scholarships are available.
Register for Specialized Overnight Camps
Please email for forms, registration information, or general questions.
Registration opens April 16, 2024.
Specialized Programs' trained staff work daily to offer a safe, exciting, and memorable summer camp experience for youth with disabilities. A nurse will be on site for all camp sessions. 1:1 supervision is not provided, but aides can accompany camper. Parents must complete and submit all required registration forms including the Participant Information and Medical History before registration is complete. If your child takes medication, a doctor’s signature is required. Scholarship applications are available and DSHS Developmental Disabilities Administration Respite Care subsidies are also accepted.
Discovery Park Nature Day Camp
Discovery Park is 534-acres of breathtaking majesty. Situated on Magnolia Bluff overlooking Puget Sound, Discovery Park offers spectacular views of both the Cascade and the Olympic Mountain ranges. The secluded site includes two miles of protected tidal beaches as well as open meadow lands, dramatic sea cliffs, forest groves, active sand dunes, thickets, and streams. Don’t leave your child inside this summer! Nature Day Camps at Discovery Park focus on being outside, exploring this amazing outdoor classroom. Participants adventure into four different habitats - freshwater, saltwater, forest, and meadow - through hands-on, experiential activities, movement, songs, crafts, and games, and everyone always makes a new friend!
2025 Registration Dates
- Activity listings viewable online (March 4th)
- Registration Opens: for scholarship eligible families (March 11th @ 12pm - March 18th @ 11:59am)
- Registration Opens: general public (March 18th @ 12pm)
Nature Play Day Camp (ages 4-6)
- Mon-Fri 9:30am – 1pm
- $413/week ($330.40 for week of 6/30-7/4, no camp 7/4)
- Weekly camps start June 30 and end August 22.
- Children need to be fully potty-trained (no diapers or pull-ups permitted)
- Please speak with the program director regarding available food options. No refrigeration or microwave/oven will be available.
- Recreation Preschool Summer 2024 Family Handbook:
Nature Adventure Trek (ages 6-12)
- Mon-Fri 9am – 4pm
- $410/week ($328 for week of 6/30 - 7/3, no camp 7/4)
- Weekly camps start June 30 and end August 22.
Financial aid is available!
Carkeek Earthkeepers Day Camp
Here, 220-acres of lush forest, meadows, wetlands, creeks, and beach are formed by the magic of water and time. This popular park offers extraordinary views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. Explore the secrets of this northwest Seattle watershed.
Here, 220-acres of lush forest, meadows, wetlands, creeks, and beach are formed by the magic of water and time. This popular park offers extraordinary views of Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. Explore the secrets of this northwest Seattle watershed.
Details (2025):
- Ages 6-12
- Mon-Fri 9am – 4pm
- $390/week, $312 for week of 6/30 - 7/3 (no camp 7/4)
- Weekly camps start June 30 and end August 22
- New themes each week! Details will be available in the camp brochure
Financial aid is available!
Rowing and Boating Camps
Green Lake Small Craft Center and Mount Baker Rowing and Sailing Center offer a fun, safe and memorable summer with Sailing, Rowing, Multisport and Adventure Camps. Most camps are open to all skill levels, with no prior experience necessary. Call Green Lake at (206) 684-4074 or Mount Baker at (206) 386-1913 for more information.
2024 Camps
Camp season runs 6/24 to 8/23. Some programs run for only part of the season. No camps at Mt. Baker week of 7/29-8/2.
No camp on Thursday 7/4 (Green Lake & Mt. Baker) or Monday 8/5 (Mt. Baker only). Prices are pro-rated for 4-day weeks.
All courses require a 10-minute float test, taken prior to your first class. Float Tests are available at our pools.
Scholarships are available!
Full camp listings: Green Lake and Mt. Baker
Full Day Camps (Mon-Fri):
Adventure Camp - Green Lake or Mt. Baker:
- Age 11-14
- 8:30 am-4:00 pm (both sites)
- $454 per week, or $363 for 4-day weeks
- Weekly camps 6/24-8/23
- Includes boating and field trips to locations such as swim beaches, outdoor pools, Zoo, and Aquarium
SCKC Intro/Dev Paddling Camp (age 10-14) - Green Lake only
- 8:30 am-4:00 pm
- $454 per week, or $363 for 7/1-7/5 (no camp 7/4)
- Weekly camps 6/24-8/23
- Sprint Canoe & Kayak introductory class
Half Day Camps (all Mon-Fri):
Beginning Optimist (age 8-11) - Mt. Baker only
- 9:30 am-12:30 pm
- 8 weekly camps, 6/24-8/23
- Cost: $225, or $180 for weeks of 7/1-7/5 and 8/6-8/9.
Intermediate Optimist (age 8-11) - Mt. Baker only
- 1:00-4:00 pm
- 4 weekly camps, 7/22-8/23
- Cost: $225, or $180 week of 8/6-8/9
Multi-Sport Camp (age 11-15) - Mt. Baker only
- 1:00-5:00 pm, Mt. Baker only
- 3 weekly camps, 8/6-8/23
- Cost: $242, or $194 week of 8/6-8/9
- Includes kayaking and stand up paddleboard
Youth Sailing Camp (Age 11-17) - Green Lake & Mt. Baker
- 12:00-4:00 pm (Green Lake)
- 12:30-4:30 pm (Mt. Baker)
- Weekly camps 6/24-8/23
- Cost: $300, or $240 for 4-day weeks
Intermediate Youth Camp (Age 11-17) - Mt. Baker only
- 2:00-5:00 pm
- 2 options: 7/22-7/26 or 8/6-8/9
- Cost: $225 (week of 7/22) or $180 (week of 8/6)
Free Activity Camps
Some activity camps in the Camps Brochure are free:
- Youth Wheelchair Basketball Camp (age 5-18) at June 24-27 at Garfield Community Center
- Girls on the Move to Shine and Grow (age 13-17) July 3-August 16 at Yesler Community Center
- Rock the Park (age 13-17) Weekly sessions run July 1-August 30 at Magnuson Community Center
- Hazard Preparedness for Youth and Teens (age 11-17) July 15-18 or July 29-August 1at Garfield Community Center
Summer of Safety
Seattle Parks & Recreation offers Summer of Safety, a free drop-in summer day program for teens and tweens at Community Centers across Seattle. Check back for details or watch the Parkways blog.
Free Summer Meals program
Each summer we offer FREE lunchtime recreational programming, meal and snacks program for children ages 1-18. Monday through Friday from from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. Check back here in late Spring 2024 for updates on the Summer Meals program or watch the Parkways blog.