Internet Crimes Against Children Unit

What Does the Internet Crime Against Children (ICAC) Unit Do?

ICAC Logo SPD Logo

The Seattle Police Department's Internet Crimes Against Children Unit investigates Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) cases that might involve the production, distribution or possession of CSE materials or where Electronic Service Provider (ESP) systems have been used for CSE crimes. CSE crimes often involve the use of computers, cellular phones, tablets or other electronic devices.

The Seattle Police Department is also the Lead Agency for the Washington Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (WA ICAC TF). The WA ICAC TF is a multi-jurisdictional group of agencies dedicated to the protection of children from sexual abuse and exploitation. The WA ICAC TF is one of 61 task force groups in the national ICAC Task Force Program which is administered by the US Department of Justice/Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The task force is organized to provide a multi-jurisdictional approach to the problem of Internet Crimes Against Children, by including agencies from local, state and federal law enforcement, federal and state agencies and federal and local prosecution.  The Task Force seeks to enhance the capabilities of Washington State Law Enforcement Agencies in investigating ICAC cases through investigative assistance, training and computer forensic assistance.

ICAC Public Awareness and Community Outreach 

Public awareness activities and community outreach are a critical component of ICAC.  Seattle Police Department offers Internet Safety presentations to schools, community organizations and youth organizations throughout the state of Washington.  The main goal is to ensure the safety of children on the internet. 

To request a presentation please contact:

PSA On the Dangers of Online Relationships

The ICAC Unit has released a Public Service Announcement on the dangers of online relationships based on a true story.  There are two versions available; one for middle schoolers and one for older teens.  These were created in collaboration with Alicia Korzakiewicz and have a powerful message for kids.

The Washington State Internet Crimes Against Children is committed to assisting our community and partners to help guide conversations with youth and young adults to help them understand and learn to recognize the potential dangers of on-line relationships.  Towards that end we have created this animation and companion materials. We hope you find them useful and appreciate you starting the conversation in your community.

Janet's story is one that we all too often hear about from our young students and see in local and national news. They receive a friend request from someone and start an online relationship with them that becomes important to them; like a new best friend. They start becoming isolated from friends and family and keeping secrets until ultimately; they meet up with their new best friend and find out they aren't who they portrayed themselves to be online. We hope that this video and talking points allows youth to recognize potential dangers, to listen to their instincts while on-line and reach out for help when necessary. Also it should help adults to have a growing awareness of the dangers the children face and assist them in starting the dialogue.

Janet's Story - For Middle Schoolers

Janet's Story - For High Schoolers


Shon Barnes, Interim Chief of Police
Address: 610 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98104-1900
Mailing Address: PO Box 34986, Seattle, WA, 98124-4986
Phone: (206) 625-5011
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The Seattle Police Department (SPD) prevents crime, enforces laws, and supports quality public safety by delivering respectful, professional, and dependable police services. SPD operates within a framework that divides the city into five geographical areas called "precincts".