Community Feedback
The Seattle Police Department is working with social scientists to reach, and listen to, a broader range of voices in our community.
Police have long relied on 9-1-1 calls and reports as a primary means of identifying priorities. But 9-1-1 and police reports don't always tell the whole story. SPD is partnered with two research groups to gather expansive community input, to help our department make informed decisions about complex public safety issues.
SPD's work with Seattle University led to the development of our Micro Community Policing Plans, which have guided our precinct-level priorities. The MCPPs recognize and address that no two neighborhoods in Seattle are the same, and help direct police services to address the individual needs of each community.
SPD is also now publishing data gathered by Zencity, showing how the people of Seattle feel about the department and its services. Zencity will deliver short digital surveys to Seattle residents so they can provide confidential feedback on how safe they feel, how much they trust police, and to identify the main concerns they want the SPD to address.
The Seattle Police Department understands the importance of community feedback and partnerships. By using better, more representative data from our city's residents, we're better equipped to find solutions to the problems that matter most to you and your neighbors.

Trust & Safety
Updated: Monthly
Survey Type: Longitudinal
Researcher: Blockwise By Zencity
Summary: Short, confidential surveys conducted through digital ads, designed to measure how safe city residents feel and how much they trust local police, and to identify the main concerns residents want police to address.

Neighborhood Concerns
Updated: Yearly
Survey Type: Longitudinal
Researcher: Seattle University
Summary: Comprehensive data collection of community perceptions of public safety at the neighborhood level, to ensure that the unique needs and concerns of members of all neighborhoods and all communities are met to improve public safety and quality of life.
Customer Satisfaction
Updated: (2-4x per year) due to budget constraints this survey concluded in June of 2020
Survey Type: Longitudinal
Researcher: Mary V. McGuire/Consumer Opinion Services Inc.
Summary: Random selection phone survey that measures overall 9-11 service. Measurements include service provided by Dispatcher and Officer, responsiveness and quality of service, and feelings of safety in your neighborhood.
Blockwise FAQ (pdf)