January 2025 Panel: Privacy Landscape: State and Local Perspectives
Washington State Office of Privacy and Data Protection
Staying Safe Online
Mobile Device Security
As we become increasingly dependent on our mobile devices, it is important to understand what your options are for protecting your privacy and securing your mobile devices, even when on the go!
Managing Your Smartphone Data
Shift Your Settings
Online Privacy & Security Tips
In our connected world, online services allow us to shop, share, and conduct business. Staying safe online is more important now than ever. The resources below provide tips for managing your digital footprint while conducting common online activities.
Keeping Your Family Safe Online: Securing Your Home and Devices
Privacy: A Guide for Washington Residents
Social Media Privacy
Social media has become a staple in our daily lives, allowing us to stay connected with one another. The resources below provide tips for adjusting privacy settings on different social media platforms, helping to ensure you can keep the information you want private, private.
Managing Your Online Privacy
Securing Accounts: Social Media
Identity Theft Resources
This threat continues to grow and evolve as technology becomes an integral aspect of our daily lives. The resources below outline identity theft and fraud prevention methods, as well as ways to report potential cybercrime incidents.
Washington Attorney General: Identify Theft Resources
Responding to Identity Theft, Fraud and Cybercrime