Traffic Circles
Traffic circles guide vehicles through an intersection around a central island, forcing vehicles to slow down. These slower speeds help reduce the number and severity of collisions. Landscaping in and around the traffic circle further improves neighborhood livability.
How does SDOT decide where to install a traffic circle?
- SDOT reviews the three year collision history on every non-arterial intersection at the end of the year and prioritizes the intersections with the most collisions for improvements including traffic circles. Typically these are intersections with five or more collisions reported to the Seattle Police Department.
How can the community request one?
- The community may pursue funding through Your Voice Your Choice or Neighborhood Matching Fund.
- After receiving an application through one of the above programs, SDOT will review the collision history and street geometry at the intersection.
- SDOT reviews the three-year collision history on every non-arterial intersection at the end of the year. We prioritize those with the most collisions for improvements, including traffic circles. Typically, these are intersections with five or more collisions reported to the Seattle Police Department.
How much does a traffic circle cost?
$20,000 - $25,000
How long does it take to install?
One to two years. We usually identify priority intersections the first year and construction happens the next year.
For additional information on Traffic Circle Construction and Landscaping, click here.