Maintenance and Paving
SDOT oversees the maintenance of City streets and sidewalks through by planning repairs, paving, filling potholes, sweeping, preventive maintenance, emergency repairs and more.
What We Do
The many ways Seattle streets and sidewalks are maintained, from sweeping to paving.
Preventative Maintenance
Microsurfacing and Crack Sealing extend the life of streets that are in good condition.
Current Paving Projects
We pave arterial streets in poor condition to make them safer and to extend their useful life.
Sidewalk Repair Program
Adjacent property owners are generally responsible to maintain sidewalks. SDOT makes repairs in certain situation.
Report a pothole, pothole map, FAQ & more.
SDOT is funded to fill potholes in paved alleys.
Property Owners' Responsibilities
Streets and sidewalks are for everyone's use