Project Complete
This project has been completed!
Updated: April 17, 2019
Project Description
New concrete sidewalk with curbs were constructed on the south side of NE 50th Street between 30th Ave NE and 33rd Ave NE, providing more comfortable, separate space for people walking. Curb ramps were constructed at corners and speed humps were constructed throughout NE 50th Street.
Project Area
We anticipate work will be complete 3 months after construction begins. This work is weather-dependent, and subject to change.
Project Background
NE 50th Street abuts a residential neighborhood and Calvary Cemetery, and nearby residents frequently walk down it despite there not being a sidewalk. The street is sloped, and experiences a high number of drivers exceeding the speed limit of 20 mph. Significant neighborhood support has been key to allocating the funds to this sidewalk project, which will make NE 50th Street more comfortable and walkable for pedestrians. Funding for the project is being provided by mitigation funds from University Village development, and the city’s School Traffic Safety fund.
What to Expect
- Work will begin as soon as mid-February and last approximately 3 months
- Work will occur weekdays, 7 AM – 5 PM
- NE 50th Street street will be closed for the duration of construction, except for residents and businesses on NE 50th Street. Please follow signed detours when travelling near the work area
- Parking will not be allowed during construction
- Temporary driveway closures will occur when work is happening adjacent to or in front of driveways
- Typical construction equipment, materials, noise, dust, and activity in the work area
Project Schedule
March 2019 – Construction begins
- Week of March 18 - Crews plan to mobilize and begin saw cutting
- Week of March 25 - Crews will begin storm drain work
April 2019
- Week beginning April 1 - crews wrapped up drainage work at 32nd and 33rd. They will pick drainage work up again as early as the end of April near University View Pl NE
- Week beginning April 8 - crews are going to continue pouring curb and gutter and prepping to pour sidewalks at the latest part of next week
- Crews will also be replacing the road panel at NE 33rd that they had to remove to complete drainage work
May 2019 – Construction complete