N 128th St Walkway
Updated: December 19, 2023
What's happening now?
This is one of nine projects requested by community and selected by the Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee for the 2022-2024 cycle of the Neighborhood Street Fund. For the 2022-2024 cycle, we made changes to the typical NSF process. Instead of calling for new ideas, we revisited the large pool of unselected 2019 applications for projects located in geographic equity areas. Project design is underway and construction will occur in 2024.
We recently updated the design to include crossing improvements at Corliss Ave NE and 1st Ave NE to better connect the new walkway to the surrounding neighborhood. We also plan to add speed cushions along N 128th St to encourage slower vehicle speeds. We’ll share additional updates on our webpage and through our email list.
Project Overview
N 128th St between Corliss Ave N and 1st Ave NE is a residential street in the Haller Lake neighborhood. The street has no sidewalks but is a main route for neighborhood residents to access North Acres Park. The project will include the following improvements:
- New asphalt walkway on the south side of N 128th St between Corliss Ave N and 1st Ave NE
- New all-way stop and marked crosswalk at N 128th St and Corliss Ave N to connect to the existing walkway to the west
- New curb ramps and marked crosswalk at N 128th St and 1st Ave NE to connect to North Acres Park
- Pair of speed cushions on N 128th St to encourage slower vehicle speeds
Due to an existing retaining wall on the south side of N 128th St, there is a pinch point east of Corliss Ave N. To provide space for the new walkway, we will build a chicane which will narrow the roadway for a short distance. Two-way vehicle traffic will still be allowed, but vehicles will be required to yield to oncoming traffic.
This project will be coordinated with a planned sidewalk on the east side of 1st Ave NE.
Phase | Timeline |
Project Selection | 2022 |
Design | 2023 |
Construction | 2024 |
Project Background
This is one of nine Neighborhood Street Fund projects requested by community and selected by the Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee. Neighborhood Street Fund is a city program, running on 3-year cycles, that enables neighbors to propose and help prioritize transportation-related projects that are then built by the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT).
If you have questions or need translated materials, please contact us at NSF@seattle.gov or 206-727-3581. Thank you.
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