15th Ave E Parking and Access Review

Updated October 4, 2023

What's happening now?

Starting on October 10th, SDOT will begin installing 2-hour paid parking stations, signs, and paint on and around 15th Ave E from E Denny Way to E Mercer Street and on the westside of 16th Ave E from E Denny Way to E Thomas St.  SDOT also plans to install new load zones and disabled parking where possible in the area.  Payment for parking will be required at pay stations when they are installed.  Installation of paid stations will be completed by the end of the month.

The initial paid parking rates for 15th Ave E will be as follows:

  • Morning rates (8am-11am): 50 cents/hour
  • Afternoon rates (11am-5pm): $2/hour
  • Evening rates: (5pm-8pm): $2/hour

See the map for more details on planned changes.

Project Background and Purpose

Customers, commercial delivery drivers, and the growing area population all need reliable access to businesses along 15th Ave E. With recent changes in the neighborhood such new street cafes and multiple planned developments, there is a need to proactively manage on-street parking, loading, and access in the 15th Ave E neighborhood. In the 15th Ave E neighborhood, on-street parking is full for most of the day, with average parking occupancy above 90% for most of the day and exceeding 100% in the afternoon. Adding paid parking along 15th Ave E will improve access to businesses for customers by improving parking turnover, provide reliable access at the curb, and reduce circling caused by drivers looking for parking. SDOT used data from a recent parking study and feedback heard from businesses in spring 2023 to develop the proposed plan. SDOT will implement the changes in October 2023.  

The goals of this project are to: 

  • Improve parking turnover and parking availability
  • Help customers and visitors find convenient parking near their destinations
  • Reduce area congestion caused by drivers looking for free on-street parking
  • Make it easier for delivery drivers to find space to make deliveries 
  • Add new spots for people with disabilities to park 

Planned Curbspace Changes

The map below shows the changes that will be implemented in October 2023. 

Map of planned parking changes on 15th Ave E

Planned curbspace shown are an approximation. Refinements may be needed as design begins. Areas with existing 2-hour parking 8am-6pm except by Residential Zone 4 Parking permit holders will not change as part of this project. 


Summer 2022

  • Collect curbspace and parking data 

Winter/Spring 2023

  • Gather community feedback on existing uses and potential changes
  • Develop draft and final curbspace recommendations 

Summer 2023

  • Share planned changes with businesses
  • Design curbspace changes and determine locations for disabled parking 

Fall 2023

  • Notify businesses and stakeholders of planned changes
  • Design and install  curbspace changes (planned for mid-October) 

Project Materials

Mailer - August 2023

Final Planned Changes Map - Updated September 2023

Final Block by Block Curbspace Changes Map - August 2023

Frequently Asked Questions - August 2023

Draft Curbspace Changes Map - June 2023

Community Outreach Summary - June 2023

15th Ave E On-Street Parking Study Results

15th Ave E Business Improvement Association Presentation - 06/28/2023


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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