District 1 – Projects
District 1 — Project Updates
2019 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Streets Elected Projects
- 45th Ave SW and SW Admiral Way (Cost: $120,000; Total Votes: 554)
- 61st Ave SW between SW Admiral Way and Beach Drive SW (Cost: $30,000; Total Votes: 428)
- 16th Ave SW and SW Holden St (Cost: $30,000; Total Votes: 293)*
- SW Barton St between 23rd Ave SW and 24th Ave SW (Cost: $112,700; Total Votes: 261)*
STREETS | 45th Ave SW and SW Admiral Way
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
45th Ave SW and SW Admiral Way is a key intersection for many residents, parents, and students who access the Admiral business district, Lafayette Elementary School and the westbound transit stop, located on SW Admiral Way east of 45th Ave SW. We'll install a new curb bulb on the northeast corner, new curb ramps, new marked crosswalk, and adding a pair of rectangular rapid flashing beacons on the east leg to shorten the crossing distance for people walking, improve overall visibility, improve accessibility, enhance safety, and effectively calms traffic.
Project Solutions
- Install new curb bulb and curb ramps
- Install a marked crosswalk with rectangular rapid flashing beacons
Neighborhood: Admiral
Total Cost: $120,000
YVYC Funds: $120,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in May 2022.
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STREETS | 61st Ave SW between SW Admiral Way and SW Beach Dr
Traffic Calming Improvements
Project Overview
In response to higher vehicle speeds and volumes, we're planning new traffic calming on 61st Ave SW between SW Admiral Way and SW Beach Dr, to increase pedestrian and neighborhood safety.
Project Solutions
- Install speed humps along 61st Ave SW; exact locations to be determined
Neighborhood: Alki
Total Cost: $30,000
YVYC Funds: $30,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in October 2020.
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STREETS | 16th Ave SW and SW Holden St
Intersection Improvements
Project Overview
The jog in east-west traffic through Highland Park at 16th Ave SW requires several turns at two closely-spaced intersections each with their own traffic signals. Due to this layout and traffic volumes, vehicle queues can back into nearby intersections and create confusion for all users. We'll stripe the street to accommodate the turning queues to clarify traffic movements and improve traffic safety.
Project Solutions
- Add new left-turn pockets for northbound and southbound traffic at the 16th Ave SW and SW Holden St intersection
- Revise the existing left-turn pocket for northbound traffic at the 16th Ave SW and SW Austin St intersection
Neighborhood: Highland Park
Total Cost: $30,000
YVYC Funds: $30,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in August 2020.
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STREETS | SW Barton St between 23rd Ave SW and 24th Ave SW
Walkway Improvements
Project Overview
Currently, a gravel pathway on the south side of SW Barton St connects existing sidewalks east of 21st Ave SW and west of 24th Ave SW. Given the budget limits of this program, only 1 new block of sidewalk can be built at this time. Upgrading the gravel pathway to a sidewalk will improve safety and accessibility for people walking and people in wheelchairs.
Project Solutions
- Build new sidewalk on the south side of SW Barton St between 23rd Ave SW and SW 24th Ave SW
- Build/upgrade curb ramps at the corners
Neighborhood: South Delridge
Total Cost: $112,700
YVYC Funds: $112,700
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in November 2022.
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- District 1 Postcard Mailers (March 2020)