District 4 – Projects
District 4 — Project Updates
2019 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects
- Ravenna Ave NE and NE 54th St (Cost: $50,000; Total Votes: 191)
- University Way NE and NE 45th St (Cost: $10,000; Total Votes: 175)
STREETS | Ravenna Ave NE and NE 54th St
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
In 2011, the intersections of Ravenna Ave NE, NE 54th St, NE 55th St and 22nd Ave NE were reconfigured and separated as part of the NE 55th St repaving project to reduce the number and simplify the movements through this area. After separating the movements into three intersections, people still experience challenges traveling through the western intersection where Ravenna Ave NE, NE 54th St and 22nd Ave NE meet. We'll build additional raised median islands on Ravenna Ave NE and NE 54th St to clarify the movements. We'll also maintain the vegetation and formalize the existing parking restrictions within 20' of a pedestrian crossing area to improve overall visibility and enhance safety.
Project Solutions
- Install new raised median islands
- Install "No parking" signs within 20' of crosswalks
- Maintain the landscape at the intersection approaches
Neighborhood: Ravenna
Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in November 2022.
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STREETS | University Way NE and NE 45th St
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
Vehicles have been observed making left-turns even though "No left-turn" signs are posted on the overhead wires and signal poles at the University Way NE and NE 45th St intersection. We'll replace the eastbound and westbound green ball with a green "up" arrow for the inside traffic signals to reconfirm the left-turn restriction.
Project Solutions
- Replace the green ball with a green "up" arrow for the inside traffic signals serving NE 45th St traffic
Neighborhood: University District
Total Cost: $10,000
YVYC Funds: $10,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in March 2021.
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- District 4 Postcard Mailers (March 2020)