2018 District 5 – Projects
District 5 — Project Updates
2018 Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks and Street Elected Projects
- 33rd Ave NE between NE 125th St and NE 130th St
- Walkway Improvements (Cost: $30,000; Total Votes: 392)*
- Crossing Improvements (Cost: $70,000; Total Votes: 354)*
- 26th Ave NE and NE 125th St (Cost: $90,000; Total Votes: 314)
- 32nd Ave NE and NE 140th St, NE 143rd St (Cost: $3,000; Total Votes: 242)*
- 1st Ave NE and NE 117th St (Cost: $90,000; Total Votes: 201)
- NE 104th Pl and NE 105th St (Cost: $27,500; Total Votes: 196)
- 1st Ave NW and NW 137th St (Cost: $2,700; Total Votes: 182)
- 30th Ave NE and NE 145th St (Cost: $90,000; DON added)
* Projects in Equity & Environmental Initiative (EEI) Focus Areas.
33rd Ave NE between NE 125th St and NE 130th St
Walkway Improvements
Project Overview
Existing sidewalk lines the west side of 33rd Ave NE, from NE 125th St and NE 130th St, while the sidewalk on the east side of 33rd Ave NE is segmented and missing in places. Installing a continuous and improved walkway enhances predictability, accessibility, and safety for all travelers. The section south of 12536 33rd Ave NE will be built by private developers.
Project Solutions
- Install a low-cost sidewalk on the east side of 33rd Ave NE
- Install wheel stops and paint between 12728 and 12568 33rd Ave NE
- Repair pavement as needed
Neighborhood: Lake City
Total Cost: $30,000
YVYC Funds: $30,000
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
There is not a marked crossing on the long block of 33rd Ave NE, between NE 125th St and NE 130th St, and people regularly cross the street to access the Lake City House, Lake City Court, and other nearby shopping and grocery amenities.
Installing a mid-block crossing improvement enhances pedestrian accessibility and connectivity to the Lake City business district.
Project Solutions
- Install a mid-block marked and signed crosswalk
- Install ADA accessible curb ramps
Neighborhood: Lake City
Total Cost: $70,000
YVYC Funds: $70,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Mid-block crossing consturction was completed in June 2021.
We anticipate the walkway construction as soon as spring/summer 2023.
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STREETS | 26th Ave NE and NE 125th St
Walkway Improvements
Project Overview
Access to the northwest entrance of Virgil Flaim Park is poor. To access the park, residents must travel in the street, southbound on 26th Ave NE because there are no other sidewalks or paths to the park entrance.
We’re partnering with the Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) program to consolidate funds and implement the project.
Project Solutions
- Install a walkway on the east side of 26th Ave NE from NE 125th Ave to the entrance of Virgil Flaim Park
- Upgrade driveways to maintain ADA compliance and install tactile warning strips
- Install a planting strip with street trees between wheel stops and the walkway
Neighborhood: Lake City
Total Cost: $120,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000
PMP Funds: $30,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in April 2022.
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STREETS | 32nd Ave NE and NE 140th St, NE 143rd St
Intersection Upgrades
Project Overview
32nd Ave NE is a north-south arterial street that parallels Lake City Way NE, the intersections of 32nd Ave NE with NE 140th and NE 143rd Streets, connect residents to nearby transit stops, the Little Brook Park, and the Lake City Business District. Upgrading intersections increase accessibility, connectivity, and safety for all travelers.
Project Solutions
- Replace four existing yield signs with new stop signs at NE 140th St and NE 143rd St.
- Install a new red and white stop sign support post and replace the existing support at NE 140th St
Neighborhood: Little Brook
Total Cost: $3,000
YVYC Funds: $3,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in January 2019.
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STREETS | 1st Ave NE and NE 117th St
Crossing Improvements
Project Overview
The intersection at 1st Ave NE and NE 117th St, experiences a high volume of pedestrian and vehicle traffic, and is a major crossing zone for people traveling to Northgate Elementary. This location has been identified as a priority for the Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS), and NE 117th St west of 1st Ave NE, has been identified as a future Neighborhood Greenway (NGW) route, and future Protected Bike Lane (PBL). As a result, SRTS will provide additional funds necessary to complete the project.
Crossing improvements enhance safety for all travelers by shortening crossing distances and increasing visibility, and predictability.
Project Solutions
- Install a new curb bulb and ADA compliant curb ramps
- Install a green bike lane on the north side of NE 117th St, east of 1st Ave NE
- Restripe the center line on NE 117th St, east of 1st Ave NE
- Partner with SRTS programs for implementation
Neighborhood: Haller Lake
Total Cost: $190,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000
SRTS Funds: $100,000
Project Schedule and Updates
We anticipate construction as soon as 2023 pending Northgate Elementary School construction coordination.
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STREETS | NE 104th Pl and NE 105th St
Intersection Improvements
Project Overview
The unique intersection design at NE 104th Pl and NE 105th St presents a tricky situation for all travelers. Limited sightlines, and a lack of traffic calming devices adds to the challenging space. After discussions with the neighbors, we’re installing a center-line to improve predictability, align, and calm drivers approaching the intersection.
Project Solutions
- Install center-line at the intersection of NE 105th St and NE 104th Pl
Neighborhood: Meadowbrook
Total Cost: $27,500
YVYC Funds: $27,500
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in May 2020.
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STREETS | 1st Ave NW and NW 137th St
Intersection Improvements
Project Overview
The intersection at 1st Ave NW and NW 137th St supports local connections to Broadview Thomson K-8 (BTK8) School, Bitter Lake Community Center, and numerous senior and assisted living facilities, churches, and a future affordable housing community.
We’ve added this project to our 2019 YVYC work plan in addition to the projects that residents selected through the voting process. We’ll implement the project, and the Neighborhood Traffic Control Program (NTCP) will fund it.
Project Solutions
- Install stop signs on NW 137th St at the eastbound and westbound intersection approaches
Neighborhood: Broadview
Total Cost: $2,750
YVYC Funds: $2,750
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed in January 2019.
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STREETS | 30th Ave NE and NE 145th St
Intersection Improvements
Project Overview
NE 145th St (State Route 523) experiences high volumes of traffic from travelers accessing regional highways such as the I-5 freeway and State Route 522, and nearby schools. We’ve heard that drivers frequently rush through the intersection at 30th Ave NE and NE 145th St during the peak travel times.
After coordinating with Sound Transit on their SR 522/NE 145th Bus Rapid Transit project, the YVYC project scope has been revised to rechannelizing the traffic lanes on the south leg to facilitate bus turning movements at this intersection. Sound Transit will be providing sidewalk, curb ramp, and signal improvements as part of their work.
We’ve added this project to our 2019 YVYC work plan in addition to the projects that residents selected through the voting process.
Project Solutions (2018)
- Install a sidewalk to connect to the SW corner
- Repaint existing crosswalks and mark stop bars
- Upgrade the existing traffic signal
Project Solution (2020 Revision)
- Rechannelize south leg to facilitate transit movement to and from NE 145th St
Neighborhood: Little Brook
Total Cost: $90,000
YVYC Funds: $90,000
Project Schedule and Updates
Construction was completed September 2021.
Please check the SR 522/NE 145th BRT project webpage for the latest updates.
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- District 5 Postcard Mailers (March 2019)