Bike to Books

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ይህ ይዘት በሙያዊ በሌሎች ቋንቋዎች ተተርጉሟል።

እዚ ትሕዝቶ ብሞያዊ ኣገባብ ብኻልእ ቋንቋታት ተተርጒሙ ኣሎ።

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Walk or ride along the Healthy Street between Othello Playground and the Rainier Beach Library and find art along the way – designed by Dunlap Elementary and South Shore PK-8 students.

Camine o ande en bicicleta por la Healthy Street (Calle para Mantenerse Saludable) entre el parque de juegos Othello y la biblioteca de Rainier Beach y descubra obras de arte en el camino, diseñadas por estudiantes de las escuelas de Dunlap Elementary y South Shore (de prekínder a octavo grado).

沿著 Healthy Street (健康街)從 Othello 遊樂場步行或騎行到 Rainier Beach 圖書館,沿途可以欣賞由 Dunlap 小學和 South Shore PK-8年級的學生設計的藝術作品。

Hãy đi bộ hoặc đi xe đạp dọc theo đường Healthy Street nằm giữa Sân Chơi Othello và Thư Viện Rainier Beach và ngắm nhìn các tác phẩm nghệ thuật dọc theo con đường – được thiết kế bởi các học sinh Trường Tiểu Học Dunlap và Trường South Shore PK-8.

Ku lugee ama Gaari u raac Waddada Caafimaadka leh ee u dhaxaysa Garoonka Ciyaaraha Othello iyo Rainier Beach Library oo arag farshaxanka jidka ku taxan - waxaa naqshadeeyay ardayda Dugsiga Hoose ee Dunlap iyo kuwa South Shore PK-8.

Maglakad o sumakay sa kahabaan ng Healthy Street sa pagitan ng Othello Playground at Rainier Beach Library at masdan ang sining sa kahabaan ng daan na dinisenyo ng mga estudyante ng Dunlap Elementary at South Shore PK-8.

በኦቴሎ መጫወቻ ሜዳ እና በሬይኔር ቢች ቤተ መፃህፍት መካከል ባለው ጤናማ ጎዳና ላይ ይራመዱ ወይም ይንዱ እና በመንገዱ ላይ ጥበብ ያግኙ - በደንላፕ አንደኛ ደረጃ እና በደቡብ ሾር PK-8 ተማሪዎች የተነደፈ።

ኣብ'ቲ ኣብ መንጎ መጻወቲ ኦቴሎን ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ረይነር ቢችን ዝርከብ Healthy Street (ንምንቅስቓስ ተሽከርከርቲ ዕፁዋት ኮይነን ሰባት ግን ብእግሮም፡ ብብሽክለታ፣ ወይ ሮለር ብምጥቃም ዝዛወሩለን ጎደናታት) ብእግርኻ ወይ ብምውጣሕ ተዛወር፡ ንቕድመኻ ድማ ናይ ስነ-ጥበብ ውፅኢት ዝኾነ ስራሕቲ ስእሊ ረአ - ብተማሃሮ ክፍሊታት PK-8 Dunlap Elementary ን South Shore ን ዝተነደፈ።

يمكنك المشي أو ركوب الدراجة على طول شارع Healthy Street بين ملعب Othello Playground ومكتبة Rainier Beach واطلع على الرسومات الفنية على طول الطريق-التي صممها طلاب مدرسة Dunlap الابتدائية ومدرسة South Shore PK-8.

Project Overview

Drawing of a rabbit on a bicycle and the application of the artwork on the street.

Art by Yolanda Pablo Pablo at Dunlap Elementary. Photo: SDOT 

We teamed up with Dunlap Elementary School, South Shore K-8, and the Rainier Beach Branch of the Seattle Public Library to hold a super cool design contest for students! 
The contest is all about creating fun and creative designs for bike symbols that SDOT crews installed along the Healthy Street leading to both schools. The path runs for 1.2 miles from Othello Park to the library, and now includes 12 student art pieces.  
Shout out to our talented art teachers! Weston Horner, the art teacher at South Shore, worked with his 4th-8th graders and his art club. Adrian Watts-Driscoll, the art teacher at Dunlap, worked with her 4th-5th graders. 

This awesome new project was inspired by a similar contest called Bike to Books Design Contest held by the Portland Bureau of Transportation and Multnomah County Library since 2017. 

Othello-Rainier Beach Student Art Map

A map from Othello Playground to Rainier Beach Playfield along 46th Avenue, showing the locations of student art on the streets

What is the purpose of these bike symbols? 

Have you ever seen those symbols painted on the road that look like a bike with arrows around it? Those are called sharrows! They are there to show that cars and bikes share the same lane on the road. Sharrows help make sure that bikes and cars can safely share the road together. They also remind drivers that bikes have a right to be on the road too. Sharrows are not just for bikes though, they can also be used to create a network of safe places for people who walk or ride bikes.

It’s also been shown that art in the street can help to slow down people driving. So next time you see sharrows on the road, remember they're there to keep everyone safe! 


  • April 3-28, 2023: Design contest open to Dunlap and South Shore students
  • May 2023: Entries reviewed and winners selected
  • End of school year 2023: Winners announced at each school
  • Summer 2024: SDOT crews installed winning designs along art path 


This project is funded by our local Safe Routes to School program. 


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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