Safe Routes to School: Sacajawea Elementary School
Updated: January 10, 2018
What’s happening now?
As part of the Safe Routes to School program, we’re in the planning phase to make walkway improvements in the Sacajawea neighborhood to make it safer and easier for kids to walk and bike to school. Our focus areas are:
- NE 90th
- 20th Ave
- 17th Ave NE
- NE 97th St
- NE 98th St
Project Overview
This Safe Routes to School project will make it safer and easier for students to walk to Sacajawea Elementary School by creating a connected walkway network. We’re currently in the planning phase and we anticipate installing the improvements in 2019 or 2020.
Through community outreach, we have heard that neighbors want to:
- Make neighborhood streets safer so that everyone can enjoy walking around
- Be able to walk to bus stops on 15th Ave NE and Lake City Way NE, school, local businesses, and parks
- Slow down speeds, decrease noise from traffic, and make it easier to pull out of driveways
We are working with neighbors on planning and designing a network of cost-effective walkways so that we can respond to the community desire for dedicating walking spaces in this neighborhood. Funding does not allow us to construct a traditional concrete sidewalk on all the blocks that are missing sidewalks.
What do cost effective walkways look like?
Why does a connected walkway network matter?
Schools that are in neighborhoods with high quality walking environments are more likely to have more kids walking to school.
We’re currently in the planning phase. We’ll complete design in 2019, and we anticipate installing the improvements in 2019 or 2020.
We’re in the planning phase, so we’d love to hear your feedback on improvements you’d like to see. Please email or call with your thoughts or to set up a meeting: Ashley Rhead;; 206-684-7577.
When | What | Details |
Spring 2018 | Walk audit with Sacajawea Elementary School | Learned about safety concerns in the neighborhood |
November 13, 2018 | Community Meeting at Sacajawea Lunchroom | Shared ideas and asked for input on current issues and potential improvements in the neighborhood |
- Community Meeting Boards (November 2018)
- Community Meeting Handout (November 2018)
- Community Meeting Comment Summary (November 2018)
This project is funded by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015 and our local Safe Routes to School program.
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