Safe Routes to School: Wedgwood Elementary School

Making it safer and easier for kids to walk and bike to school

Construction of the Wedgwood Sidewalk Project is now complete!


Parents and neighbors of Wedgwood Elementary School started this project to improve the walking and biking route to school. The project area includes residential streets in the Wedgwood Elementary School walkshed and these upgrades will connect the school to the existing sidewalk network at NE 82nd St and to the south.
We divided the project into 2 phases:

Phase 1:

  • new sidewalk on the north side of NE 85th St, between 30th Ave NE and 28th Ave NE
  • new sidewalk on the west side of 28th Ave NE, between NE 85th and NE 83rd streets
  • curb ramps, drainage improvements, and new crosswalk striping

Phase 2:

  • new sidewalk on the north side of NE 83rd St, between 28th Ave NE and Ravenna Ave NE
  • new sidewalk on the west side of 28th Ave NE, between Ne 83rd and NE 82nd streets
  • new sidewalk on the west side of Ravenna Ave NE, at NE 83rd St
  • curb ramps, drainage improvements, and landscaping throughout

Project Map

Phase 2 before/after photos:

Phase two before
Before: NE 85th St and 28th Ave NE, near Wedgwood Elementary School
Phase two after
After: NE 85th St and 28th Ave NE, near Wedgwood Elementary School
Phase two before
Before: NE 85th St and 30th Ave NE
Phase two after
After: NE 85th St and 30th Ave NE




December 2012

Early project design and outreach


SDOT secured additional funding

January 2015

Introductory letters to nearby residents

February 2015

Project open house at Wedgwood Elementary School

Spring 2015

Pre-construction outreach, phase 2

July 2015

Begin phase 1 construction

 Fall 2015

Complete phase 1

Winter 2015/2016

Phase 2 design continues

April/May 2016

Phase 2 outreach to nearby residents

Summer 2016

Finish phase 2 design

Fall 2017

Pre-construction outreach, phase 2

January 2017

Begin phase 2 construction

Spring 2017

Complete project


Levy to Move Seattle logoThis project is funded by the 9-year Levy to Move Seattle, approved by voters in 2015. Additional funding comes from a Washington State Department of Transportation grant and our local Safe Routes to School program.


In December 2012, we hosted a project open house and invited neighbors to view 30% plans for the new sidewalk. At that open house, we received requests to extend the sidewalk project to connect to the existing sidewalk network to the south and include sidewalk on Ravenna Ave NE. We reviewed the request and secured funding to design and construct these additional improvements.
During project outreach, we received additional feedback about safety in relation to traffic circulation. In response, we’re also working with Wedgwood Elementary School to develop a traffic circulation plan that will keep people walking, biking, driving, and riding school buses safe and moving during and after construction.
During design and construction, we’re committed to engaging with the community and working with neighbors to limit construction impacts to the extent feasible.


Phase 2 project materials

Phase 1 project materials

Open house materials (February 3, 2015)

More Information

For general comments and questions, please contact SDOT at (206) 684-7623 (ROAD)">206-684-ROAD (7623).


Adiam Emery, Interim Director
Address: 700 5th Ave, Suite 3800, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 34996, Seattle, WA, 98124-4996
Phone: (206) 684-7623

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