Contact Us
Service counter open
The service counter located in Seattle Municipal Tower’s (SMT) 4th floor lobby is open to the public. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Visit the walk-in payment center locations page for other openings and times.
You can contact Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) by phone, email, or online forms. For 24-hour emergencies (water, sewer, or drainage), call (206) 386-1800.
Don't have time to talk? Send us your customer service questions online. You will be responded to within 3 to 5 business days.
For general questions or comments, please use Seattle's service request system.
Contact Information
Customer Service
- Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) Customer Service: (206) 684-3000
(Monday - Friday, 7:30 am to 6 pm) - Pay Utility Bill by Phone: (877) 398-3531
(24/7, toll-free) - SPU Credit and Collections: (206) 684-5800
(Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm) - Out of Area, Toll-Free: (800) 862-1181
- Utility Discount Program: (206) 684-0268 or
- SPU Development Services Office: (206) 684-3333 or
- Seattle City Light Information: (206) 684-7400 or website
(Electrical service/electrical outage hotline)
Report a Problem
- Report Missed Collection: (206) 684-3000
- Report Missing or Damaged Container: (206) 684-3000
- Report Surface Water Pollution: (206) 684-7587
- Report a Plugged Storm Drain: (206) 386-1800
- Report Graffiti: (206) 684-7587
- Report Illegal Dumping: (206) 684-7587
- Adopt a Street: (206) 684-7647 or
- Adopt a Drain: (206) 386-9139 or
- Stencil a Storm Drain: (206) 684-7624
- Spring Clean/Graffiti Removal: (206) 684-7647 or
- Creek Stewardship: (206) 684-4163
- Friends of Recycling: (206) 684-8717
Garbage, Recycling, and Food & Yard Waste
- Transfer Stations (Dumps/Landfills): (206) 684-8400
- Commercial Hazardous Waste (King County): (206) 263-8899
- Household Hazardous Waste: (206) 296-4692
- Apartment or Condo Services: (206) 684-3000
- Green Business Program/Clear Alleys: (206) 343-8505 or
- Waste Free Grants: (206) 684-7868 or
- How Do I Get Rid of an Item?:
- Report Water Main Leaks & Fire Hydrant Repairs: (206) 386-1800
- Drinking Water Quality Concerns: (206) 386-1800 or
- Cedar River Watershed Center: (206) 733-9421
- Water Availability Certificates and New Construction: (206) 684-3333
- Cross Connection Control & Backflow Assembly Testing: (206) 684-3536 or
- Inspections: (206) 684-5800
- Conservation for Residential: (206) 684-7283
- Conservation for Business: (206) 733-9137
Drainage and Sewer
- Drainage & Sewer Maintenance: (206) 386-1800
- Drainage & Side Sewer Permits and Inspections: (206) 684-5362
- SPU Development Services Office: (206) 684-3333 or
- Records Vault/GIS Data: (206) 684-5132
- Design Standards and Guidelines:
- Construction Management: (206) 684-5068
- Contract Bid Information: (206) 684-5132
Media Relations/Public Records
- Public Information Officer: (206) 446-8267
- Public Document Requests: (206) 733-9836 or
- SPU Human Resources: (206) 684-5822
- City of Seattle Job Line: (206) 684-7999 (recorded message)
View the City of Seattle Phone Directory.